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Empat Embung di Cempaka Putih Dibangun
photo Wuri Setyaningsih -

Four Artificial Lakes Being Built in Cempaka Putih

It has been carried out since early January 2023

As many as four embung (artificial lakes) located in Cempaka Putih Timur area, Cempaka Putih are being built by the Central Jakarta Water Resources (SDA) Sub-agency.

Central Jakarta SDA Sub-agency Head, Mustajab said that the four artificial lakes built were located at one point each in front of C' One Hotel and Hollans Village, as well as two points at the Balai Textile Laboratory Yard.

This Year, Artificial Lake Built on Jalan Letjen Suprapto

"What has been realized is located in the Central Textile Laboratory. The total volume is 300 cubic meters with 24 square meters wide and two meters deep," he said, Monday (1/30).

In front of C' One Hotel and Holland Village, he explained, another one is under construction with a total volume of 800 cubic meters, 400 square meters wide, and 1.5 meters deep.

"Currently, the progress at the two points has touched 80 percent. It has been carried out since early January 2023," he explained.

According to him, the construction of the four artificial lake points involved 30 personnel along with one excavator unit. It was expected to minimize inundation in Cempaka Putih.

"Later on, the stagnant water on Jalan Letjend Soeprapto will immediately flow to these four artificial lakes to be accommodated," he continued.

He added that it was done as a measure to regulate inundation traffic, both during heavy rains and due to the overflowing water of the Utan Kayu River.

"Hopefully, these lakes can minimize inundation in Cempaka Putih," he hoped.

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